Floor Loom

Basics of Double Weaving

Basics of Double Weaving

There is a lot of mystery behind double weave, but once you understand how it works it makes so. much. sense! I get so many questions about this weaving technique including: What is it? What can it do? and of course How?!?!? I get it. It seems like it would be a very...

How To Fix A Broken Warp On Any Loom

How To Fix A Broken Warp On Any Loom

What is the worst thing that can happen while you are weaving? Depending on who you ask, the answer may be “a broken warp”. While this is not an ideal thing to have to deal with, it is not the end of the world! A small setback - yes, but something that is actually...

Floating Selvedges – When Do You Need Them?

Floating Selvedges – When Do You Need Them?

Floating selvedges are an essential part of weaving patterns. They make your life easier with each pick you weave and mean you do not have to think too hard about what you are doing. Instead, they allow you to be lost in the process of weaving - as you should be....

How To Use A Warping Board

How To Use A Warping Board

Measuring out your warp for your loom is an important weaving skill that all weavers should know how to do. It is one of the first steps for setting up your weaving on your loom. When it comes to measuring your warp for your floor, table, or even your rigid heddle...

Hi! I'm Nicole!

Hi! I'm Nicole!

I am so happy to have you here on Warped Fibers! I am a weaver and fiber artist that found a love for sharing these passions with anyone willing to listen. So I started this weaving resource so you can learn to weave! Check out the ABOUT page for more information about who I am and the CLASSES page to see what I can teach you! You can also check out my ARTWORK to see what I make in my studio.

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