
Welcome To Warped Fibers!

Warped Fibers is a place for fiber artists, weavers, hobbyists, those that are curious, and anyone in between to learn something new and further their appreciation for an art form that can be found all over the world – dating possibly as far back as the paleolithic era!

Weaving, like most fiber art, is often overlooked due to its relationship to functional work. That relationship, though, is what makes weaving so dynamic! Weaving can be found both in historic tapestries that once lined castles and the fabric of your couch! This versatility is what allows for experimentation and innovation.

Weaving is everywhere – and not just the places you would expect. Soon you won’t be able to stop seeing weaving around every corner. It’s sort of like when you buy a new car and you suddenly notice that everyone is driving that same new car. You will say to your friends, “Look! This texture on the elevator wall – it’s woven!”

No, seriously – I do this. 

What can I say, weaving is exciting. 

If people do know about weaving, they usually think it’s something that is done by little old ladies. No offense to the little old ladies – that will be me one day! While weaving is done by little old ladies, it’s also done by basically every gender, age, religion, and ethnicity. So this weaving blog is for you. No matter who you are. Unless you’re someone that hates weaving… Even then, feel free to stick around just for the witty banter.

One of the aspects that makes weaving so great is that it is not one warp fits all. It’s exciting and traditional – functional and experimental. Honestly, though, it could also be … scary and overwhelming.

That’s why I created Warped Fibers. Weaving shouldn’t be scary and it shouldn’t overwhelm you to the point of not getting started. I won’t just be throwing weaving information at you. Instead I’ll be passionately delivering the dirt on what you should know, what you want to know, and what you didn’t know was even an option.

When I started teaching weaving I began to notice the tips and tricks that I took for granted every day in my studio. These are mostly things that I figured out with a lot of trial and error. If you hang out on the blog then I’ll share them with you – no error required. That being said, mistakes are great for learning. This way, though, you won’t make the same mistakes I’ve made and can instead make your own! Yay! More learning!

Nicole Bunting Weaver

Nicole Facts! 

  • I use she/her pronouns.
  • I have been vegetarian since 2011. I LOVE food, but I’m not fond of leafy salads – which I have been told is odd for a vegetarian… oh well!
  • One of my favorite things to do is travel! Traveling inspires my artwork and my life.
  • I have an AMAZING studio assistant: Chutney (Pit Bull) who is always by my side!
  • I listen to A LOT of audiobooks while I’m weaving – I’m always looking for new recommendations if you want to share!

Hi! I’m Nicole!

I am the weaver, blogger, and teacher behind Warped Fibers. I have even been called a dream weaver by a former student!

I love weaving.

Despite that, I didn’t always plan on being a fiber artist. I honestly didn’t even know that it was an option! What I did know was that I wanted a job where I could be creative. In middle school, I wanted to be an interior designer (thanks Trading Spaces!) In high school, I wanted to be a fashion designer and even planned to go to school for it. When I couldn’t afford to go, I ended up at a 2 year studio art program which ended up being an amazing decision. Hindsight is great! After a few more changes in degree options and a year off I finally found the craft department at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).

My weaving adventure started in 2012 when I toured the Fine Arts Building at VCU. I had planned on majoring in Sculpture, but when I walked into the loom room I knew I had to learn how to weave.

That was it.

That was the moment I made up my mind and I have been a weaver ever since.

Almost immediately after I graduated from VCU in 2015 I got an opportunity to fill in for a 6 week long floor loom class at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond. I had no idea what to expect, but I was quickly blown away by the excitement my students had to share this passion with me.

My favorite moments are when students “get it” and unprompted tell me how much they enjoy weaving!

In 2019, I was an adjunct instructor in the Craft department at VCU where I taught Intro to Textiles and Tapestry Weaving. Today, I am a full-time artist and the creator/ writer behind Warped Fibers. I also teach workshops and classes – both in-person and online and I would love to have you in my classroom!

warped fibers weaving studio

Studio Facts!

  • My floor loom is a Harrisville 36″ – 8 Harness, 10 Treadle that I bought second-hand.
  • I have a Schacht 15″ – 4 Harness table loom table loom (also bought second-hand)
  • My favorite frame loom is a simple frame made of canvas stretcher bars. This is the same loom I learned to weave on and I still use it ALL the time!
  • My rigid heddle looms are a 15″ Schacht Flip folding rigid heddle loom and a 24″ Kromski Harp Forte.
  • My studio is located in my converted dining room. Who needs a formal place to eat when you can have a loom and art studio?
  • I primarily use cellulose fibers in my weavings. Most warps are either 8/4 cotton rug warp or 8/2 linen.

Check out my SUPPLIES page to see my favorite yarns, tools, and looms that I use in the studio!

Want More? 

Check out my artwork, artist statement, and CV/ Resume over on my other website!

Interested in having me teach a workshop? Have a question about a class? Send me an e-mail! I would love to hear from you!

Follow Me and Stay In Touch!

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